Joo Young Kim

Joo Young Kim - President, CEO

Joo Young Kim, having immigrated to the United States in the late 80's saw firsthand the importance of financial literacy in the community that he grew up in. As more and more Koreans, whose only skill set was to “work hard”, began to settle into the fabric of American society, Joo Young realized people learn to perform a specific trade but never learn about money. People learn to make money but never learn how to properly use it.

Having been in the industry since 2004, he uses his expansive knowledge and experience to guide his clients. The purpose was always to teach and empower people with their numbers so that they would be inspired to not only take action but to pursue their dreams and visions.

Joo Young and his wife Lauren have 2 amazing children - Shiloh and Karis. In his free time, Joo Young enjoys Crossfitting, traveling, and serving at his local church. Most recently during the Covid shutdown, he and his wife have picked up golf.